Sunday, November 25, 2012

Not Writing

Well, the end of National Novel Writing Month is in FIVE days!  

Five days people!!!  

So, I planned on writing tonight.  All night.  I have a lot to do too, such as 25,000 words in just a few days.  That’s <opening up Calculator> 5,000 words each day until the end of this challenge. (So what if I needed my calculator for that!  Don’t judge!)

I set up my perfect evening to get a lot of writing done.  And, I left my last day of writing on a cliffhanger, so I have a lot to say.  (In theory, I have a lot to say.)

Then, it happened.  Life.  Tragedies.  Horrible Things.  Here are the things that happened to interfere with the writing process.  I hope I can make it through the night. <Insert exhausted face here.>

1.  Cleaning out the DVR.  The boy is gone for 3 more days so I’m trying to watch as much crappy TV without hearing him complain.  It’s a difficult task, but I’ll persevere. 

2.  Brownies.  My sister and I made brownies and I must finish the whole pan tonight.  Yes, I’m a glutton.  (Don’t judge!)  This process might last the entire evening.  Can you picture me popping open a fresh box of Tums as we speak???

3.  iPad.  My iPad got sick.  I have to restore it to it’s original settings.  Then I have to activate the amazing powers of iCloud.  It’s a mess.  I must fix it immediately, which will probably take a good 45 minutes.

4.  Ironing.  I like to pick out all of my clothes and iron everything for the whole week on Sundays.  It’s really going to take up about 30 minutes of my time.

5.  Eyebrows.  My eyebrows are out of control.  I’ll need to spend at least 4 minutes cleaning them up.  Or I’ll stop when my tears have blinded me from my proper plucking posture.

Of course I have to tell you, dear reader, about all of these very important things that must be done at this very moment, which is prohibiting me from writing my novel.  So, while I might not finish my required word count for tonight, do not fear.  I’m quite busy eating brownies, plucking my eyebrows, ironing, and reorganizing my Apps on my iPad while the TV is keeping me company in the background.  

Whew, what a busy night of.....not writing!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Anniversary

One year ago today, I joined the blogosphere.  I put myself out there for the entire world to read.  I’ve detailed some of the conflicting ideas that swirl around in my head.  I’ve let you in on a few adventures I’ve taken.  I’ve made book recommendations.  But mostly, I’ve kept myself accountable.  The whole point of this blog was to keep me accountable.  One of my biggest fears is coming home at night and watching TV.  Instead of being lazier than I already am, I’ve made huge efforts to make the most of Washington DC.  

Here is my check-up, my memories of what I’ve done in the past 6 months:

  • Participated in Bike to Work Day 2012
  • Went to an event with Jen Lancaster
  • Finished my Spring Touch Football league
  • Went to a friend’s PhD graduation
  • Visited the Natural History Museum
  • Started Bikram Yoga classes
  • Had a couple massages
  • Started apartment shopping
  • Took a sewing classes
  • Went to a few Washington Nationals games
  • Quit going to Bikram Yoga 
  • Played a summer softball league
  • Started (and fell in love with) hiking
  • Began a Pilates class
  • Renewed our lease at our current apartment
  • Went on a job interview
  • Went to a pirate bar
  • Had a tour of the West Wing of the White House
  • Went to a Cheryl Strayed event
  • Ventured to Harpers Ferry, WV to go tubing
  • Visited Annapolis, MD a few times
  • Went to a Grease-Sing-A-Long movie
  • Visited the Robert E. Lee house in Arlington National Cemetery
  • Hurt my knee and started physical therapy
  • Saw All’s Well That Ends Well at the Shakespeare Theater
  • Went to a lecture on the book The End of Men by Hanna Rosin
  • Quit going to physical therapy
  • Saw Hamlet at the Folger Shakespeare Library
  • Saw Cirque du Soleil at the National Harbor
  • Went to a lecture by Jeffery Eugenides
  • Got my haircut
  • Met Colin Powell at a book signing event
  • Went to Italy with my family
  • Started a fall Touch Football league
  • Started a fall Volleyball league
  • Began a fall Softball league
  • Survived Hurricane Sandy
  • Attended a conversation titled, “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All”
  • Began National Novel Writing Month (I am currently at 18,137 words!)
  • Achieved a positive net worth

So there you have it, dear reader.  This is what I’ve been doing for the past 6 months.  I hope you have also had a productive and fun 6 months.  

I am eager to hear what you have done!!  Anything exciting???

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Snippets from my Novel

On November 1, I embarked on a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  This is not the easiest adventure I've taken on, but I'm trying my hardest to write a story with a cohesive plot line and developed characters.  Honestly though, I'm not sure either are happening.  What I am trying to do is be a little witty.  This helps me forge onwards, and hopefully, it will make my reader (my sister) smile a little bit.  Here are a few snippets of my novel, both of which I find particularly humorous.  

Background: Small town girl left to pursue a better, more successful future.  She returns for a friend's wedding and her deepest secret is shamefully revealed. 

Snippet #1: Main character (Beth) is out shopping for her girlfriend's (Megan) wedding gift.

I get to Macy’s.  I walk around aimlessly, glancing at their selection and variety of categories.    Megan and Sam registered at Wal-Mart, and I am not going to buy them a wedding gift from Wal-Mart.  (Footnote: Seriously?  Wal-Mart???  Who even knew they had a wedding registry!?!  Oh god - does that mean they have a baby registry too?)   Without a clear goal, I begin to roam the aisles, and it all dawns on me.  Do you realize how much work it took ME to prepare for this wedding and NOW I have to buy her a gift?  Seriously?  This is just crazy.  Isn't my presence and my precious time gift enough?  I had to use personal leave to get off work (6 days).  I bought a plane ticket ($400), rented a car ($350) and got a hotel room ($275 - or it would have been if I hadn’t used my points!). I had to purchase such an ugly bridesmaid’s dress ($200). (Footnote: Ugh - and how tacky is it when you make someone buy their own dress.  They are standing up in YOUR wedding.  They are doing YOU a favor.  Then you make them buy their own ugly dress.  Unclassy!)  I have to get my hair and nails done ($125). And to top it all off, I have to pay for all of this crap. (Footnote:  My calculator says $1350.)  I thought I was doing YOU a favor and now I'm forced to drop over $1000 on all of this. Ugh. Oh, and the best part, I still have to get you a bloody gift. And all you are getting me is costume pearl necklace to wear during pictures.   
   One of my biggest annoyances is buying presents for other people.  At this point in my life, age 28, I feel like all I do is buy gifts for my friends.  They get engaged.  Gift.  They have a shower.  Gift. They get married.  Gift.  They get pregnant.  Gift.  Baby Shower.  Gift.  Baby arrives.  Gift. (Footnote: Hey!  My time visiting them at the hospital and pretending that their cone-headed baby is “oh so adorable” is a gift of it’s own.  )  Baby gets baptized.  Gift.  Baby has a super cute (Footnote: I mean, cheesy and obnoxious.) first birthday party.  Gift.  And what do I get???  Nothing!  (Footnote: Crap!  I get crap!)  I get a cheap “Thank You” card.  Then, I get one of those Christmas cards with the baby in front of a fake tree with Santa peering out the window saying, “Shhh.......”  Seriously?  I don’t want your stupid Christmas card.  Or, at least be creative!!!  Then, do you know what happens??  We stop being friends.  Single people and married/parents people can’t be friends.  Your lives are just too different.  So here I am, socially pressured to drop my hard-earned cash to buy you a present and in a mere 24 months, we can’t even be friends anymore.  It’s so frustrating.  
Okay, Beth.  Focus!!!  You have to buy this gift and because you are a good friend and because this is what is expected of you.  (Footnote: Damn you, societal norms.)
   I walk aimlessly up and down Macy’s “home” section.  There are bright bed linens and irrational kitchen appliances.  There is living room furniture and starfish-shaped supplies for the bathroom.  (Footnote: Why would you ever buy someone a gift that they will then put in the same room in which they poop?  )
         Alright, I guess the easiest gift is the large Kitchen Aid mixer.  Colin bought me one last year when I was in this huge cookie making phase and it changed my life.  That thing is amazing.  And, it comes with all kinds of attachments that they can then purchase at a later date.  
I pay the cashier and walk over to the Customer Service department for the $6 gift wrap. (Footnote: A service I gladly pay for!)
       In just a matter of minutes, the nice, older woman whips together a beautifully packaged silver and sparkly present, complete with an awesome bow.  This just screams “wedding gift!”  I walk out of the store holding it as if I just created this masterpiece.  (Footnote:  I didn’t, obviously.  But I’l take the credit and praise for it.)

Snippet #2: Main character (Beth) is having lunch with a girlfriend (Rachel), who brings her child.

When I walk into the restaurant, I’m slightly frustrated by the shower Mother Nature offered me.  Rachel is already there and has a table.  Rachel is not alone though.  She is surrounded by crayons and ripped paper - she has brought her child to lunch with us.    
“Rachel!!  Hi!!!  How are you?”  She stands up and gives me a big, excited hug.  
“Beth, I’m so happy you are here.  I’m even happier that we get to have lunch together, just the two of us.”
This statement catches me off guard.  I give her a funny look and look down at this child.  
“Well, the two of us and Peter.  My babysitter cancelled last minute, so I had to bring him along.  I hope you don’t mind.  He’s really easy going and he’ll just sit here and color most of the time.”
“Uh, oh sure.  It’s fine,” I say, taking off my soaked jacket.
The waitress comes over and takes our order.  Rachel and I order quickly.  Then, it’s Peter’s turn to order.  
“Petey, do you want Chicken Fingers or Fish Sticks?” Rachel asks, as if he’s capable of making a solid choice.  He just stuck a purple crayon up his nose.
“Honey, I need to you pick between Chicken Fingers or Fish Sticks.”
“Petey, you have to have something healthy for lunch, and French Fries isn’t good enough.  (Footnote: Healthy???  Apparently my friend is confused about the health benefits in our food.)
He doesn’t respond to his mother, but he does pull the crayon out of his nose.  I’m pretty sure a booger came out with it.  (Footnote: Gross!  )
Rachel just orders for him, but she makes sure that his meal comes with fries, just in case he doesn’t eat the Chicken Fingers.  
I feel so awkward with this kid here. I don't have a kid. None of my friends in Washington have kids. What am I suppose to talk to him about?  I'm assuming he doesn't keep up with current events and the last cartoon I saw was...was......I’ll have to think about this later.  I wish I had a sticker book in my purse.
“So you are pregnant again, I see,” I say, only because people really like to talk about themselves, especially when they are pregnant.  But mostly, I need a distraction from this noisy child....who is now coloring on the wall. 
“Well,” she says, rubbing her bloated belly.  “I am hoping it’s a girl because I found the most beautiful girl’s name the other day.”
“Oh, that’s good.  I bet names are really hard.  What is the name?”
“Yes, do you like it?  I think it’s so beautiful.”
“Like the girl who drowned herself?”  
“Someone drowned themselves?” Rachel asks pulling a piece of torn paper out of her child’s ear.
“Ophelia, from Hamlet .  She drowned herself.”
“Oh, I’ve never met Hamlet, so I had never heard that story.  It’s very sad though.”   
“I just found the name in a baby book I got for ten cents at Tonya Appleman’s garage sale.”
Our food comes just before I have the overwhelming urge to discuss the plot of Hamlet with my uneducated friend.  

There you have it.  Those are two small parts from my humble little novel.  As of today, I am at 18,137 words.  Only 19 days left and 31,863 words to go.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

My Month of Writing Dangerously

November marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  

For each of the 30 days, I'll attempt to write 1,667 words per day which will result in a 50,000 word novel.  I'll try to make these words cohesive and remain on topic - the "plot," if you will.  I'll attempt to actually use my time wisely and write daily.  (That last part is what I'm most concerned about!)

According to the NaNoWriMo rules, you are allowed to outline your story before you begin writing on November 1.  I have spent hours developing my characters and my plot line.  I have consulted with numerous friends and family (well, my sister) about creating something that the average reader (me) would want to read.  

This is no easy task, dear reader.  In fact, this may be the most creatively difficult adventure I've attempted.  I can go on a hike.  Easy-peasey.  I can take my grandmother across the pond.  No probs.  But to sit down and write a novel is something completely different and completely out of my comfort zone.

Let me be clear: this is NOT the great American novel.  I'm not John Steinbeck or Mark Twain.  I strive to have the humor of Jen Lancaster or the will of Cheryl Strayed.  But in reality, I'm just a mere closet-writer.   That plot line I've spent hours developing isn't exactly....developed.  (Geez....I'm working on it, ok!)  

What do I need from you, dear reader?  SUPPORT.  This support can come in the form of an encouraging text message, or spunky care package filled with M&Ms, Kit-Kats, and Dr. Pepper.  Support could be in the form of a creative suggestion if my poorly planned plot line fails miserably.  

Wish me luck - I'm off to finish outlining before the big month begins!!!  Only 2 days, 9 hours left....but who's counting!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bullying Blog Post

My dear reader,

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about a personal situation and about the tragedies of bullying.  

Since then, I have been approached by two news agencies about appearing on live television to share this story and even to apologize for death of a peer.

I will not appear on television to discuss bullying.  I only wrote this post because of the (then) upcoming documentary about bullying.  I understand this is a hot-topic and my hope was to encourage people to (1) watch the documentary, and (2) assess your character if you are in a situation which might foster bullying.  

Therefore, I have deleted my previous post.  

Thanks for understanding!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lessons Learned from Traveling with Family

1.       Bring extra international adapters – there is always something to charge.  Not only will you need to charge normal electronics (i.e. phones, iPads, cameras, etc), everyone will bring their own curling iron and hair straightener.  Mornings are hectic enough and dealing with a dysfunctional hair appliance is no way to begin the morning.  

2.       Be patient with your 74 year old grandmother.  Then, be even more patient.  And don't think she's complaining all the time; she is simply observing the differences of cultures.

3.       Have a backup plan for your hair.  I recommend bringing multiple hair-ties when you leave in the morning.  The humidity of Venice does nothing for our thick, unruly hair.  (Yes, I’m serious.  Yes, this was a problem for us.)

4.       Warn them about the lack of ice and fountain drinks in Europe.  If they want a pop, they’ll have to drink from a lukewarm bottle….and they may not get a straw either.

5.       Bring more Euros than you think you’ll need.

6.       Don’t go too fast.  Noni will get tired and won’t have the chance to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the experience.  She didn't say anything about David's lack of.......girth. 

7.       Call PawPaw more often.  He really missed everyone!

8.       Don’t bring so many bags.  Try to pack as compactly as possible because dealing with another country’s customs is zero fun.  

9.       Be sure it won’t hurt anyone’s feeling when you want to spilt up from the group.  Some people may want to explore while others may want to hang out.  Don’t be offended when a traveling companion doesn’t want to do the exact same thing as you.

10.   Find humor in everything.  Reminiscing about Noni falling into the gondola will provide hours of entertainment later on in the trip.  Laugh as much as possible. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The End of Summer

Summer is officially over, which is sad because I had a lot of fun this summer.  Yet, fall brings another host of activities.  I refuse to sit inside and watch the leaves change through my window.  Instead, I’ve spent hours planning events that will both get me outside and subject me to the cultures, activities, and events in which DC offers.  

You should see my iCal.  I’m soooo busy.  Almost every day has *something* to do.  Sure, I will go to the dentist and other responsible appointments, but for the most part, I’m out having fun.  Not only am I playing volleyball, softball, and football, but I am also making more of an effort to see more plays and attend diverse lectures.  

I always knew that life was is not (and should not be) defined by my 9-5. I don’t describe myself by the words in my job title.  Work is merely the place I go to pay for my life.  It does not define me.  It does not control me.  My work ethic, though, allows me to devote any extra minute to the activities in which I wish to partake.  It’s exhilarating to know that I am in control of my own time and I honestly make the best of it.  For me, life is about the 5-9.  I take considerable efforts to ensure I have a great time after work.  Rarely am I bored and rarely do I wish I were doing something better or different.  Yes, I’m pretty busy.  Yes, finding spare time to relax can be difficult, but this is the way I want it.  I, for some strange reason, *want* my days planned out.    Sure, keeping busy can be exhausting, but seriously, what is the alternative?  As I said, I’m not allowing myself to sit inside and wait for fun things to come along.  I won't allow myself to look forward to watching a television program.  I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and realize that it’s winter.  I want to experience the season changing.  I want to take full advantage of everything my awesome city provides for its people.  Remember my 6 month checkup?  I had so much fun writing that post because it gave me the chance to recollect and memorialize some awesome events.  I’m excited to do my next checkup, which happens to coincide with my 1-year blog anniversary.  What an awesome year....and it's only September!!!    

Monday, August 27, 2012

My 10-Year High School Reunion

It’s time for my 10 year high school reunion.  The same girls that planned Spirit Day and Prom have devoted many hours and $1500 of personal money to reserve a venue.  Plans were underway.

Unfortunately for these planners, the mere 50 responses have been less than expected.    The lack of interest may result in a cancelled event.

In May 2002, over 300 people (maybe even 100 or so more!) graduated from my high school class.  We all stood together in a large auditorium before we moved on with our lives.  We listened to speeches we now can’t remember; we pretended to care about what everyone was doing next.  

10 years later, it’s time to regroup.  It’s tradition to get the class back together.  We’ll pretend we liked each other then and that we like each other now.  We’ll brag about our accomplishments and show off pictures of our babies.  We’ll try to one-up everyone about our exotic adventures.  And how many people do you think are dieting in anticipation of this 3 hour event?  

But let’s be honest, dear reader, no one is going.  There is no need for high school reunions.  Why is that, you may ask?  


I already know who has a baby-daddy....or two.  I know who got fat.  I can pretty much tell who still lives with their parents.  Boob jobs are evident through profile pictures, and so is lack of dental care.  

There is no surprise to the reunion - not in the same way our parents were excited.  There is no need to diet or go get a new outfit.  We already know where everyone is and what everyone is doing.  

And, seriously, can you imagine having to see ugly baby pictures after people already post them all over Facebook??  It would be even harder to lie to their faces.  

Sure, it’s unfortunate for those who did want to reunite and swap stories.  It’s especially unfortunate for the planners who exerted their time, energy, effort, and money.  But, I think we need to be realistic.  There isn’t an urgency to rush “home” to see our classmates, as we see so many everyday in our News Feed.  

Honestly, it feels like everyday is a freaking high school reunion!!!  But at least on Facebook we can unfriend the over-poster or hide someone’s posts who clearly didn’t receive the same spelling and grammatical education as the rest of the civilized world.   

Facebook is really all we need to reunite.  And don’t worry, there is enough to mock from merely reading the News Feed as there would be if we all made the trip to the actual event.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What the heck am I doing with my life???

The big 3-0 is approaching, dear reader.  I have never felt a stronger urgency to take hold of my life as I have these past couple of months.  No, I’m not talking about marriage or the “K” word.  I’m talking about MY life.

I’m talking about a sense of belonging and purpose within myself and my own environment. 

A couple of days ago, my Noni asked me, “How old were you when you figured out what you wanted to do?”  I just sat there. Uh…………..I don’t have it figured out.  I don’t have ANYTHING figured out.  I have no idea what is happening in the next 6 months or a year from now.  (This is very difficult for me too because I am used to living by a 5 year plan!) 

Let me wrap this all up for you: 3-0 is rapidly approaching and I have no plan.  I don’t even have a plan to begin a new plan.  Here I am.  Sitting here.  Waiting.

Waiting for what? 

I, too, am looking for something amazing, but I really struggle in my attempts to figure out my next step(s).  Where do I want to work?  Where do I want to live?  Should I move overseas again?  Can I survive without a car?  Should I go to grad school?  Is professional, economic stability really more important than living a fun, fulfilling life?  Are professional, economic stability and a fun, fulfilling life mutually exclusive?

One of my BFFs told me her favorite quote: “The world is run by people who show up.”  I love this idea.  (Hi KLH!)

I’m realizing more and more that being an active participant in my own life is the best thing I can do. 

These are the areas I’d like to change:
1.        My professional life – I want a fulfilling, meaningful job.  I want to dig wells in Africa.  I want to work with AIDS patients.  I want to give girls the Depo shot.   I also don’t want to take a pay cut.  I understand that I probably can’t have both, so here I sit contemplating the “what ifs.”
2.       My location – I think I’m done with DC.  I’ve lived here since the end of 2007.  (EEK!)  I’m ready for something new.  I have no idea where I want to go, but I’m ready should the situation present itself.
3.       My travels – I’m ready for my next adventure.  I’m ready for something outside of my comfort zone.  I’m ready to hit - dare I say it - my last continent. 
4.       My feet – My feet and I are having some disagreements right now.  At this point, it’s really not about me vs. the world, it’s really about me vs. my feet.  They might be winning today, but I’m making some great progress!  Let’s face it, I can’t do anything without my feet.

A part of me really wants to take a year (or three) to travel the world.  I want to explore as much as I can.  But I know that is completely unrealistic.  I have a life and stuff and a job and a partner.  I have expectations and responsibilities that prevent me from quitting my stable job for something so unreliable and whimsical. 

Another part of me wants to save, save, save.  I want to feel so secure about my finances that I don’t need to think about my next vacation or worry once retirement time comes.  Then, I feel like I should use this time to do everything I want because eventually I’ll feel too old and it’ll be too irresponsible to make such a drastic change.  Again, I struggle to find the medium.

I’ve also decided that everything in life is a phase.  Childhood was a phase.  Puberty was a phase.  High school was a phase.  In just the same manner, adulthood is a phase.  Parenthood is a phase.  Your career as a <insert job title here> is a phase.  Because life is organic, these phases are also organic.  I am no longer the person I was 10 years ago, just like I am no longer teenager.  I’m a different person because my life is drastically different.  I want to keep changing.  I want to develop into a better version of myself as I age.  My current phase will quickly end and I’ll embark on whatever the universe holds next for me. 

Nothing is guaranteed: marriages/relationships, jobs, one’s health.  The current phase in which we all reside will evolve into something different.  We won’t know if it’s better or worse until we get there and live through it though. 

Do I expect to feel different on my 30th birthday?  Of course not.  BUT, I do hope to use this time to gain a clearer direction to the path on which I see my life.  I have 16 months to deeply analyze my life, my choices, and my environment  While I’m doing all of that, I’m going to SHOW UP.  I’m going to make more of a conscience effort to explore the world and assess my whole life. 

Do you have any suggestions for me? 
What are you doing?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

1st hike at Shenandoah

I spent last Saturday hiking in Shenandoah National Park.  I went with that Capital Hiking Club as a first-timer.  I was a little nervous.  As much as I love trying new things and don’t mind participating solo, I was a little nervous about the entire activity.  I’d never been to the Park and I’d never been on a real hike. Don’t worry, dear reader, I survived.
There is one thing I learned from this hike: I’m basically a little teapot.  I’m short.  I’m stout.  If someone would have tipped me over, I would have poured out all over the trail.  The super cute green pack on my back was kinda heavy too.  
I went on the short hike: 7 miles.  (The long hike was 10 miles...I'm not sure I would have survived.)  I traveled through Stony Man and White Oak Canyon.  The hike ended with a swim at a beautiful swimming hole.  

These 7 miles weren’t easy for me either.  I was huffing and puffing through most of the trail.  The ups and downs really challenged my body.
I got to see a rattlesnake.
This waterfalls was my background noise.
The views made everything worth it.
And my sweet blisters have forced me to remember this trip all week!!!
It was an awesome day.  I highly recommend making the trip the Shenandoah or joining me and the Capital Hiking Club on our next adventure.
Happy hiking!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bikram Hot Yoga

This morning was my third class of Bikram Hot Yoga in Tenleytown.   

Hot Yoga is exactly what you think.  It’s hot.  And you do yoga.  I know what you, dear reader, are thinking, “Why the heck would you do that???”
Well, I got a Groupon.  And I’m a sucker for a good Groupon.
But what is Bikram Hot Yoga really like?  
  • You go through a series of positions.  Each class goes through the same set of 26 positions.
  • The room is PACKED.  They are probably 25 - 30 crazies in one sauna doing yoga.  Yes, people en masse go voluntarily.
  • Many of them don’t wear a lot of clothes.  The men are shirtless and the women wear a sports bra and booty shorts.  I, of course, we wear a tshirt and shorts that go to my knee.  
  • The instructor does not participate.  She only instructs.  It’s strange.  
  • The class is 90 minutes.  That’s a LONG time to stretch in a sauna.
  • You will sweat a lot.  Seriously, it’s more than you expect.  And it’s different than any other kind of sweating too.  The sweat pools on your skin and then it slowly drips down your skin.  There isn’t a lot of time to wipe the sweat off because you are trying not to fall from your twisted position.  It’s really gross and annoying.  Let’s just be honest, it’s a self-induced form of Chinese Water Torture.
  • You can’t drink water for the first 25 minutes.  I think they do this to torture you more.  
  • No one notices if you don’t do well...or, if you are like me, and have to kneel down and put your head between your knees to prevent passing out and making a fool of yourself.  I think everyone is trying to not pass out so they don’t notice if you don’t nail a position. 
  • It’s ok if you fall over.  Yes, usually your reflexes are quick enough so you don’t smack your face on your yoga mat, but there are a lot of people who lose their balance and have to start all over.  
  • The real benefit, as far as I can tell, is the next day.  You feel so good.  You stand taller, and you are impressed that you didn’t have to go to the ER.  
If you find a hot yoga studio near you, I highly recommend it.  Yes, its kind of expensive, but it’s amazing to know that you can survive, even if you have to stop and regain breath control.  
Have you ever done hot yoga??  Do you think I’m crazy?  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Establishing Roots vs. Nomadic Lifestyle

For the past 8 years, I’ve traveled all around.  I left Kansas City, MO and ended up in Washington DC.  In between, I’ve lived and explored Europe and I visited Asia....if you call that visiting.  I’ve moved about 7 times.  I have purposely avoided any type of substantial consistency.  
In my current situation, I live-in-sin with my boyfriend of 3 years, and we have been in our apartment for TWO YEARS!!!  <insert collective gasp here>
Our lease is coming to an end, and I am ready to get the heck out of here.  Don’t get me wrong, I really like where I live.  I have a pedestrian lifestyle and the luxury apartment complex isn’t too shabby either.  I have no reason to complain about my living situation.  It’s everything one could want in the DC area, including washer/dryer in-unit.....which is apparently UNHEARD of.  
So why do I want to move? 
Why can’t I get away from this nomadic existence I have created for myself?  
Well, I like moving.  I like starting over.  I like change.  I like finding a new neighborhood to explore.  It’s exhilarating.  
But, am I getting too old for this???  I’m almost the big 3-0, dear reader.  Shouldn’t I be acting more like a grown-up?
I have multiple friends who are married, have kids, and pay on a mortgage.  <again, gasp!>  I have some friends who are having kids on purpose!!!  
Am I suppose to want all of this too???   Should I be establishing roots somewhere?  Should discussion of the “M” word be in our conversations??   <insert screaming here>
Maybe I’m just too immature.  Maybe I’m not ready to “settle down” and be a real person, or maybe I’m not ready to be a grown-up.  
I don’t know what I’m suppose to do.  I don’t even know what society says I should do - yes, even society has conflicting ideas.  All I know is that I really enjoy change.  I like the unknown.  Being comfortable, while very nice, becomes boring.  I’m so afraid of becoming stagnant in my own life that I think I over-compensate by constantly engaging in some type of new activity.  
What do you think??  Am I too old to have a nomadic lifestyle?  Should I “settle down” and start being establishing roots?  Or, should I keep going in this direction and see where I end up?
P.S.  If you have ideas on how to proactively make life choices, please include them in the below comment section.  

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Electronic Entertainment vs. Simplicity

Can you imagine a day without electronics?  
No checking the weather.  
No news.  
No status updates.
No taking pictures.
You will have to wear a watch.
It is my goal to have an electronic free day.  When I bring it up to the boy, he gives me the look of death.  He cannot fathom going a day without electronics.  What if someone tries to call?  What if Barack gets assassinated?  What if a piece of junk mail goes into my inbox?  What if a sports team scores some type of goal?  How will we ever know if these things happen?
My apartment is 700 square feet.  It’s small.  Really small.  But, dear reader, my little box is surrounded by electronics:
iPod - we have two
iPad - we have two
iPhone - we have two (well....actually we have three....a backup iPhone 3S just in case something happens to our iPhone 4S)
Macbook - we have two
TV - we have two (although one is not hooked up)
Camera - we have two
Sometimes, I feel like I can’t get away from technology.  It’s a little annoying.  It’s a little overwhelming to have so many choices.  
Sometimes I crave simplicity.
Can you imagine????  
Simplicity!   (AH!)
No waiving your arm in a figure 8 - LIKE AN IDIOT - looking for a signal.  (Don’t act like you haven’t done it!!!)
No flipping through channels looking for a mindless show to watch.
No swapping devices to charge all of these devices with the same charger.
No checking your phone every 30 seconds.
I imagine a quieter day.  I imagine a more creative day.  I imagine, either, a cleaner apartment or spending more time outside.  Or, I’d sleep more.  Yes, maybe I’d sleep more.
I don’t know if this will ever happen, but it’s something I think about all the time.  But, in reality, I’m not sure that I can get away from electronics.  It may be a completely impractical goal.  Regardless, one day, I’ll try.  And, I’ll be sure to encourage the boy to give up the electronic dependence, a causality of our society.  I just wonder how long I’ll continue to receive the look of death.
How would you spend an electronic free day?  
Would you be lost?  
Would you be willing to try?  
Is a day without electronics realistic?
P.S.  I lied to you, dear reader.  We also have an extra flip phone know...just in case our iPhone 4S dies and our backup iPhone 3S dies.