Are you happy? No, I mean really happy? Do you find joy in your daily activities? Do you smile? Laugh?
I am proud to admit that, yes, I am happy. I’m in a great relationship with a wonderful man. I live in an awesome area, and my apartment is really nice. I think that a few of my achievements are notable. My life is pretty great.
Regardless of how great things are at this moment, I know that life if fluid. Things change. People evolve. I might not always live here. My iCal may one day be blank. No one knows when their relationships are going to end. There is no way to make predictions into the future. I accept this and I am willing to ensure that, regardless of the situation, my happiness will not decrease based on situations out of my control.
I have always believed that my happiness comes first, and everything else is an asset to my life. I still think this way. Yes, it sounds really selfish. That’s because it is. Something I’ve learned in my 28 years of life is that no one can protect me as much as me. No one has my best interests in mind but me. Sure, people consider my wants and needs, but, in the end, I am the only one who can take a proactive stand in my own life. If I waited around for others to make decisions on my behalf, I’d probably be uneducated and living with my mother in the Missouri. (Oh geez! Imagine how depressed we would all be if that were the case!)
I’ve been blogging for almost 6 months. In this time, dear reader, I’ve tried to let you in on the few projects I’ve been involved in. I tried to introduce myself by letting you in to the way I spend my time: I’ve taken a few trips and attended a few lectures; the gym and my health have been documented; my goals have been shared with you.
I just wonder if my activities have made me any happier. Of course I haven’t shared each event with you. (I don’t need stalkers!) I recently attended a lecture on George Washington, and my recreational volleyball team did really bad. (Actually, we were terrible.) I teach English as a Second Language once a week, and I’m studying for the GRE.
But am I any happier since November 2011 when this blog began? I’m not sure. I’ve decided this is a problem. I’m busier than I’ve ever been, but my happiness-range hasn’t changed. Isn’t that interesting!!!!
This weekend, in Charlottesville, VA, I ran across this book.
I read the (would-be) prologue and got inspired. I need to create a happiness project for myself. I don’t know where I’m going to start, but I am going to take careful consideration of the way I spend my time to ensure I find joy and happiness in my life.
So, I’ll ask you again, dear reader. Are you happy? Is there room to find time and space in your busy schedule to insert pleasure and bliss?
If you’d like to take on this project with me, let me know. Are there tangible goals you need to set for yourself? I think we all have room for improvement. I also think it takes a brave person to challenge change and are willing to accept change in your life.
I’m ready for happiness to consume my life.
I’m in. Are you with me?