It’s mid-January, dear reader. Actually, no. It’s ALMOST February. I have been quite productive these past three weeks! My lovable man-friend is going off to play Army in a few weeks, and I must remain as busy as possible.
In the last three weeks, I have clumsily played three volleyball games, visited the National Portrait Gallery with a wonderful friend, and painted this terrible still-life. (Please don’t mock me to my face!!)
The boy and I toured all of NYC in a 48 hour period.
And, I experienced my first DC restaurant week.
But what’s next? I’ll still tutor once a week, and volleyball isn’t over for about a month. But, I need some new ideas to keep my life exciting as I go back to living alone. I’ll obviously be glued to the TV watching Barack speak in, what I’m sure will be, a riveting State of the Union address to our nation. I’m still trying to master iCloud, OS Lion, and the rest of the Apple products I’m slowly converting to. One of my oldest friend’s is getting married, so I’ll be making a trip to the Midwest for his celebration. Yet, this is not enough.
I sent in my volunteer form to serve at my local soup kitchen, but alas, they have not responded. I found (and bought) a Groupon for a knitting class, but I haven’t picked my dates to begin learning. I just feel like there are more things that I can do at home that will greatly impact my life and those around me.
Here are some ideas on ways to keep myself busy in the upcoming weeks:
- I want to bake more. Momma Martha and I need to spend quality time together. I even got this beautiful cookbook for my birthday, so I need to put it to use.
- I would like to be a little more creative: painting more or creating projects from my hands. Of course, my knitting class will definitely help in this department.
- My reading and writing has exponentially decreased since graduation - maybe I’ll bust out a nice poem for my next blog. Do you have a preference: haiku, iambic pentameter, free verse?
- I'd like to research a nice vacation spot for myself. Maybe I'll even take the leap and go on a trip by myself - one of my life goals!
So far, I've had an excellent January. I love being busy and finding new, fun ways to explore my city and life after work. I have only spent a few hours in my jam-jams watching Teen Mom; yes, it's still an embarrasing guilty pleasure. But, I'm working on it!
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