TODAY marks the 6 month anniversary of my blog. It really is an exciting time for me. As nerdy as this is, I’ve become completely obsessed with it. I’m not sure why either - maybe it’s a good outlet, maybe it’s a way to keep me accountable of the way I spend my time, and maybe it’s a combination of all of this. I mean, let’s be honest, I don’t post all that often. Regardless, I love blogging. I love looking for new ideas, and I love when people read and respond. Thank you, dear reader, for paying attention and for caring enough to keep reading.
The past 6 months has been quite busy. Here is a quick recap of what I’ve been doing:
- Graduated from University of Maryland (a life goal)
- Started a job
- Visited the National Portrait Gallery
- Played on a volleyball team
- Took a painting class
- Went to NYC with the boy
- Sent the boy off to Army training
- Started going to the gym
- Joined Weight Watchers
- Went to a lecture/book signing discussing the book Monticello, Slavery, and the Hemingses
- Had dozens of dinners with friends
- Visited Monticello
- Went hiking at Great Falls Park
- Took the GRE
- Attended a lecture on George Washington and Sally Fairfax
- Went to the boy’s fancy-smancy Army ball
- Quit going to the gym
- Took a knitting class
- Began learning Farsi
- Hiking at Carterock
- Went to a wedding in St. Louis and visited my sister/nieces in mid-Missouri
- Began a kickball team
- Began a touch football team
- Participated in Dining Out for DC
- Went to a Madeleine Albright speaking/book signing engagement
- Started going to the gym again
- Attended a meditation class
Hmmm.....I guess that’s about all. I also tutor once a week, but I’ve been doing that for a while.
But, I’m not focusing on the past. I’d rather look towards the future. To be honest, I have no idea what’s happening in the next 6 months. After my football and kickball seasons are over, I’m not sure how I’ll spend my time. When my Farsi semester concludes, I’m not sure if I’ll take more classes. Maybe I’ll take a writing class or maybe I’ll spend more time cooking. Is graduate school calling my name? Who knows!!! What I do know is that I’m not stopping.
I’m going to keep blogging.
I’m going to keep thinking critically.
I’m going to keep exploring.
I’m going to keep learning.
I’m going to continue loving life.
Thank you again for reading, dear reader. You have made the last 6 months quite enjoyable.
Feel free to leave me a comment. I welcome comments, criticism, or compliments. I take everything you say quite seriously.